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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

shrewd meanings

I just came across of a description of yahoo's new CEO - Carol Bartz (January 2009): "Carol Bartz is shrewd, strong-minded, blunt, and disciplined".

I first discovered the word shrew when I translated from bulgarian the title - Taming of the shrew (Укротяване на опърничавата)... The Taming of Katherinе (I'm Ekaterina, some personal cross referencing here)....

— shrewd·ly adverb
— shrewd·ness noun

marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen b: given to wily and artful ways or dealing (a shrewd operator)

synonyms shrewd, sagacious, perspicacious, astute mean acute in perception and sound in judgment.
#shrewd stresses practical, hardheaded cleverness and judgment
(a shrewd judge of character).
#sagacious suggests wisdom, penetration, and farsightedness .
#perspicacious implies unusual power to see through and understand what is puzzling or hidden (a perspicacious counselor saw through the child's facade).
#astute suggests shrewdness, perspicacity, and diplomatic skill (an astute player of party politics).

Words can have a very powerful meaning, not always just definition-wise but often, what understanding they can bring to the person reading it. That's why I got so excited just by reading what shrewd means. Then learning about who Carol Bartz brought even more meaning to the definitions above...

Such description can never be inborn - you have to earn them!

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