a dissident* is here... escape is never the safest path...

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Ekover Cleaning

I am launching an environmentally friendly business -

Ekover Cleaning
Domestic and Office cleaning/Detox - with natural cleaning products or Ecover
Detox home - substituting all hazardous chemicals with healthy options
Detox cabinets and shelves - substituting all hazardous chemicals with healthy options
Detox body- help you pick the rigt diet and choose the best source.

What's the story!? I was trying to remember when exactly did my interest in the environment started? Well if campaigning for fresh air and healthy life is a proof of interest in environment issues - it must have all started when I was 10-11.
My parents were smokers and we lived in a small flat. We were 3 children and I was trying to stop them using the kitchen for smoking area. I was the oldest of the 3 and I guess I knew that smoking was bad and I hated the thick stinking cloud of cheap cigarettes that was often poisoning our tiny kitchen.

I don't think I blame my parents but I still keep a deep feeling of disgust and rage when somebody is smoking around a child or a non-smoker.

I also have came to the conclusion that if you want to be healthy - you have to make an effort yourself. Health is not something given - it is something you strive for.

So campaigning for fresh air + personal responsibility for your health = Ecover Cleaning

So Ecover Cleaning is a realisation of a long-term goal to promote clean environment.
With Ecover Cleaning I hope to be able to promote excellent health and clean environment but not only climate change, saving the tropical forests, preserving the nature - it's more your own personal environment - you, your home, your garden, your office.

Have you ever thought or read or watched about the chemicals we use in our every day life - what we eat, drink; what we wash ourselves with, what we put on our skin; what we clean our home with; what we put in our garden; how we have our homes build - it is full of seemingly safe and friendly staff which contains a cocktail of chemicals half of which is known to be hazardous and the other half is not proven yet to be of any danger!?

I have done some research and I found an endless list of articles, scientific evidence, campaigns and actions to raise awareness about this soimportant issue. I can only say that - most of the hazardous chemicals are related to cancer and hormonal dysfunction. No place to think twice.

To find all available research and advice please visit our website, which will be launched by 10th May 2007. Until then contact me through the blog.

If you live in London and you need someone to look after your home, garden or help you detox - call me to discuss the available choice: 07833684529.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.
